7 Days To Happiness To Make You Feel Amazing

When you watch movies and see how celebrities portray themselves in the public, you will easily assume that they have a lovely life. Unfortunately, the reality says otherwise. The rate at which celebrities are divorcing/separating is a huge surprise to many of us who thought their marriages were flawless.

The greatest lesson we can learn from them is that money, fame and power are not tickets to happiness

When you see other people posting good things on their social media platforms and, on the other hand, things are not working out for you, you can easily start blaming yourself thinking you are not good enough. However, that should not be the case.

Regardless of the challenges that you face, you should not let them affect your confidence and self-esteem. In this article, we will discuss 7 things that will help to improve your self-esteem and happiness.

1. Know your purpose in life

The top secret to living a happy and healthy life is knowing your purpose in life. Knowing your true-life purpose is like having a compass that directs you on the path to follow. When you know your purpose, you will not be affected by other people’s negative thoughts about you. It is quite easy to get distracted if you don’t know your mission statement. So, ensure that you know your purpose.

2. Know your values

The importance of knowing your values cannot be overstated. If you don’t know your values, then you will stand for nothing. People will take advantage of you, and you will often find yourself unhappy. So, if you want to be happy, ensure that you know your values. Sit down and list important things that you value the most in life.

A good example includes things like appreciation, family, security, learning, self-development, and freedom. Your values must align with your goals. If they don’t, then you should alter them to ensure that they align. You will be much happier if your values match your goals.

3. Understand your needs

One of the top reasons why most people are unhappy is because their needs are not met. Knowing your needs will make your life much easier because you will set realistic expectations. We all have different needs. For instance, some people need to be loved while others need to be in control. Make sure you understand your needs and set realistic expectations. This way, you will be able to manage disappointments. Remember you will not be able to meet your needs all the time.

4. Know your passion

Knowing what you are truly passionate about and love doing will make you happy and more satisfied. When you know your passion, nothing will deter you from achieving what you want in life, not even failure. You will never get bored of pursuing your passion because it is something that you truly love doing. So, know what you truly want in life and work towards achieving it.

5. Live from the inside out

You cannot find happiness without a peaceful mind. So, do all you can to ensure that you find peace. For instance, you can meditate and connect with nature. Also, trust your inner wisdom because it will never fail you. We all have a lot on our plates and sometimes they can wear us down. However, you should not accept anything to come between you and your peace of mind. For instance, when relaxing in your bedroom, you can play music to help calm you down.

6. Embrace your strengths

Another secret to living a happy life is by honouring your strengths. We all have strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately, most people tend to focus on their weaknesses and forget about their strengths. List all your positive traits and honour them. The more you appreciate your strengths, the happier you will feel about yourself. You will greatly boost your confidence and self-esteem if you focus on what you are good at.

7. Serve other people

Happiness is not just about thinking about yourself, it is also about serving and changing the lives of other people positively. You will get more satisfaction when you help other people, including strangers. There is nothing more fulfilling in life than having a positive impact on other people’s life.


Happiness is all about self-improvement. You don’t have to have a lot of money or be famous to be happy. Happiness starts from within. If you follow the tips given above, then you will boost your confidence and self-esteem. You will also become happier and most satisfied with your life.


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