Author Archives: Heather Rock

Fostering Curiosity | Daniel Hiterer | TEDxYouth@VIS

Making a case for curiosity-driven life of learning and explorations as a key to personal fulfilment. Born and raised in Lithuania, Daniel studied history as a major, he went into the music industry and ended up studying educational technologies in Columbia University. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format…

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Rethink the way you think | Parvathy Sailesh | TEDxIITGuwahati

Parvathy Sailesh is a first-year graduate student at IIT Guwahati. Through this powerful TED talk, she conveys her take on “Critical Thinking” and how essential it is for us in today’s world. She gives us her perspective on how “Rethinking the way we think”, can heal the world. She talks about the problems which arise…

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Why Self-Reflection is Important To Have A Happy Life

Self-reflection is important to have a happy life because it allows us to take a step back, assess our lives and our choices, and decide whether there is a better way to live or not. Additionally, self-reflection can help you to reduce stress, improve learning, and increase self-awareness. These benefits can lead us to a…

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Power Through The People

Have you come across a person who is so naturally friendly that when you put him inside a room of strangers, he’ll be friends with almost everyone in no time? We call such a people-person, someone unbelievably nice and charismatic that he can charm anyone into doing anything. A socially-empowered person achieves so much greatness,…

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Unleash Your Creative Thinking

People seem to have the misconception that only a select few are able to unleash a steady flow of creative genius. That is not true at all. The fact is, creativity is very much like a muscle that needs to be exercised in order to consistently give out great results. If you don’t practice harnessing…

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